Family Membership

MEMBERSHIP is currently closed for 2024. Please check back in early December for 2025 membership

Family Membership costs €100 per year for a maximum of two adults and two juveniles (under 18s) or juniors (under 23s).

Please read the following conditions before completing the form below.

Medical Consent

In the event of illness or accident, having parental responsibility, I give permission for medical treatment to be administered where considered necessary by a nominated first aider or by suitably qualified medical practitioners. If I cannot be contacted and my child needs emergency hospital treatment, I authorize a qualified medical practitioner to provide emergency treatment or medication.

Photographs and film

I understand that photographs or film may be taken during or at sport-related events and may be used in the reporting or promotion of the sport. If you do not wish your child to be photographed or filmed, please advise the club’s Children Officer.

Drug Testing

Membership of Athletics Ireland means that all athletes may be chosen for testing. Your membership of Athletics Ireland commits you to agree to testing. In the case of a child (under 18), the prior written consent of the parent or guardian is required via the initial membership process at the club level or at selection for competition or through competition entry forms. All club personnel have a responsibility to ensure that club members are aware of the Irish Anti-Doping Rules and that there is an atmosphere supporting a drug-free sport within the club. A complete copy of the Irish Anti-Doping Rules is available through the Athletics Ireland website.

Once you become a member of Athletics Ireland and enter a competition, you accept that your child could be drug tested.